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Field research in Roslyn, WA

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Our team went to Roslyn Washington to get a sense of one of the earliest black pioneer towns in the state. Our itinerary:

  • We documented the General Donaldson House, built by the Donaldson Family in 1909.

  • We visited the Mount Olivet Cemetery, the African American section of the Roslyn historic cemetery.

  • We attended the Black Pioneers picnic where we met and talked with the descendants of the pioneers, many of whom have carefully stewarded their history and kindly shared their documents with us. Thank you Ms. Beulah Hart Grimm!

Photos: (1) Monette with Ryan Donaldson, (2) Monette with Stephanie Johnson-Toliver president of the Black Heritage Society and part of Converge Media, (3) Monette with Kanashibush Iona Craven, Monette received a Black Pioneers picnic T-shirt! (4-5) Images of the history Boards Ms. Beulah Hart Grimm brought to the picnic, (6) "Butch" Smith, Beulah Hart Grimm, Raymond Donaldson and Monette discuss the history of the Craven family.

  • We visited Ronald Mine #3, an important site where many of the early Pioneers worked.

Photos: (1-2) views of the ruins of the external works, (3) an interpretive sign at the Coal Mines Trail, (4) Ellen, Linda Solter, Monette, Lynda Solter, Monette, Ryan, Lori Beth White, and Alisa Weis walked up to the Mine #3 site.

Thank you to Ryan Donaldson and the Donaldson family, the Craven family, Stephanie Johnson-Toliver, Alisa Wiess, Jenny Jones, and Lynda Solter.

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